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  • Rosita L Davis

Why We Need Encouragement

“Encourage one another daily, as long as it is called ‘Today,’ so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”—Hebrews 3:13 (NKJV)

Because the Lord knew that: “In the world you [we] will have tribulation”, and that we will get discouraged, He commands us to encourage one another. He knew that there would be times when we will feel hopeless, challenged, weak and suffer. But He reminds us to take heart or “be of good cheer”, (confident) in the One who has “over come the world” (John 16:33). Therefore, go out and be the light of Jesus and encourage. Encouragement means: to strengthen, push along, to come alongside in times of trouble; give hope. Paul wrote that everything we say to each other should be in building each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Paul became one of the greatest encouragers in New Testament times (Col 2:1-2). We also need to be supportive, show respect, by looking out for each other, and find ways to push each other along. Because we live in a time where the world is upside down, and there is so much discouragement going on around us. People are complaining, with all kinds of negative talk, trials of every kind, and many are overwhelmed. Instead we can use encouraging words to lift up others for God’s glory, which can change a person’s life. Therefore we must be careful with criticism, because it can easily tear someone down. Also speak in a courteous manner, the same way we want to be spoken to (Proverbs 16:24).

Moses was commanded by God to encourage Joshua who was about to take his place as leader of Israel (Deut 3:27-28). Hezekiah spoke encouraging words to the discouraged people during the siege of the city by the Assyrian king (2 Chronicles 32:6-8). Paul was concerned about being accepted by the apostles, but Barnabas whose name means: “Son of Encouragement” spoke up and stood up for him. Just when he needed a friend, Barnabas was there (Acts 9:26-27). Just imagine, the “Son of Encouragement” and a former persecutor (Paul) now woking together for the Lord—all because of encouraging words…..Wow!

John Mark may have also decided to give up his faith of serving the Lord, if it was not for Barnabas (Acts 15:36-41). Paul and Mark wrote more than half the New Testament in large part because of the encouragement from Barnabas. What a great thing when each of us encourage one another!

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