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  • Rosita L Davis

Trusting God No Matter What

Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.—Habakkuk 3:18

The world is turned upside down, people suffer at the hands of corrupt and wicked leaders, God’s word is being ignored, the people are given over to idolatry, and at the same time they refused to change their sinful ways. You probably think this describes our present world, but this actually describes the world during the prophet Habakkuk’s day during the 7th century B.C.

Habakkuk was distressed that God seemed unconcerned about the state of the world. He wanted God to do more, especially against the evildoers who were out in the open. He was frustrated and began to question God, because He was strangely silent (1:2-4). By chapter 2, an evil more wicked nation—Babylon was used by God to correct and punish Judah.

The book of Habakkuk is a picture of how a prideful nation of people are humbled by God, while a faithful and frustrated prophet learns to trust God despite what appears to be inaction on God’s part. It teaches us that while it may appear that God is silent, He always has a plan to bring justice—in His way, and His time. The example of the the prophet Habakkuk encourages believers to wait on the Lord. He asks the questions that so many consider: “Why must I see evil and trouble day-by-day?” Habakkuk whose name means: “One who embraces/ clings,” describes the journey of faith he had to travel eventually declares with a voice of praise, that though he does not understand God’s ways: “The LORD God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, And He will make me walk on my high hills.” (3:19)

During these challenging times I am sure many have had various disappointments, and at same time may be questioning like Habakkuk whether God is concerned. But we must remember that in the mist of it all God is still active, and knows everything we are going through. It was a hard and challenging month for me, and for a moment I started to doubt by trying to ‘fix the problem’ and then I was reading the book of Habakkuk, and oh how it hit home how we can lose our trust in God. In one moment it reminded me that no matter whether I understand what God is up to, I can still trust Him no matter what.

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