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  • Rosita L Davis

The Value of Time

"Teach us to make the most of our time so that we may grow in wisdom"—Psalm 90:12 (NLT)

I was thinking this week about the subject of time, and said to myself: “My how time flies!” and “Where has the time gone?" Do you think the same thing? Because time is so valuable, but at the same time, it is short. We often take it for granted. Have you found yourself thinking about all the time you might have wasted? Or if you had more time to do this or that, or more time to spend with a loved one?

The truth is that time is a gift, given to each of us, and we should use it more wisely. Each of us receives 24 hours each day, no more, no less. This valuable gift is from God, and each of us will give an account for how we use it. He expects us to prioritise it, and that means we might have to give us something(s) that drains our precious time.

Do you ever stop and reflect on all the time you’ve wasted? I know I have! God cautions us: “Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16).

How well do we manage our time? What things consume our time? These are important questions each of us should ask ourselves. Because we may start off our day with good intentions, but end up asking: “where did the time go?” Too many of us say that we are ‘too busy,’ and that we ‘don’t have the time' to do the important things, such as: pray, visit someone in need, spend quality time with our children or spouses, or even take time to slow down and rest. Some times we can be pulled in so many different directions that causes our valuable time to be swallowed up, in doing things that at the end of the day, don’t really matter.

We must remind ourselves that we do not know what tomorrow brings, because we aren’t promised tomorrow (James 4:14). The only time we have is today - which is why it is called the present. In reality today is a ‘present’ from God. The problem is not that God hasn’t necessarily given us enough time. The real question is how much of that time we have given to Him and others? In today’s world, many of us have allowed technology to take so much of that valuable time, because we can be so easily distracted; and once that time is gone, it in many cases can not be given back.

Therefore, we must make a conscious effort to examine our lives daily, to consider how we will spend our time. In the end, God expects us to be good stewards of not only our money, our bodies, but most of all...our time. What will you change today?

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