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  • Rosita L Davis

The Danger of Pride

Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall—Proverbs 16:18

It is not wrong to be proud of our children when they become successful, or to take pride in our job, or even in someone who has done great things. However, when the bible talks about pride, it means something totally different. We can all become prideful at times. But do we recognise it?

Pride can be difficult to detect in ourselves, especially at those times when we do not want to admit we are wrong,  when we need to change, or need correction. There are times that our pride can get in our way when we become successful, and in making decisions, especially when we only want to do things our way.

These may be times we think our way is always the right way, and we fail to listen for God’s way, or to others that give us good counsel. However, because we know something, or become successful, it can cause us not to listen—that is a dangerous form of pride. Most relationship issues are caused by pride.

The Apostle Paul told King Agrippa he was just like him, full of pride. He persecuted Christians, just as he was persecuting Paul at the time (Acts 26:1-6). When I read about King Uzzah in 2 Chronicles 26:16-21, it was time to check myself, and ask a few questions. As I started to examine myself,  what a shock to see how easily pride could be found in me.

We need to be honest, so your test this week, is to Google questions about “pride,” and to see where you are in the area of pride. King Uzziah and his success made him prideful, and his pride caused him to sin. He reigned for 52 years, and had many accomplishments, but he is remembered for this sad legacy—he became a leper. King Uzziah should teach us the danger of our own pride, and what it can cause.

When he was being corrected by Azariah, he became furious and angry, and wanted to do what he wanted. Do we ever get like that, when we are not listening to God’s instructions, or when being corrected? Do we think our way is always right?

There are times when we can think we can deliberately disobey God, without consequences. But God is very patient with us, but be aware, His patience will come to an end. As with Uzziah, his pride became his downfall, and can be ours too.

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