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  • Rosita L Davis

Do We Take God for Granted?

God is faithful, by whom you were called into the  fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord—1 Cor. 1:9

I was thinking about what a great vacation I had a while ago, and it made me think about how I at times take God for granted; without even thinking about it. I traveled on 6 flights and then back to the UK. I thank God that each flight was smooth and uneventful. Wow! I also have so much to thank Him for, because I attended a wonderful lectureship, and there were so many there who also traveled from all over the world.

So many things are happening in our world today, and we can become guilty of taking so many things for granted. For example, things like our freedom, the love of God, our fellowman, our transportation, electricity, our shelter, the hospital,  medicine, our salvation, God’s grace & mercy, food, family, friends, His protection, our health, the sun, rain, and the list goes on, and we sometimes act like we deserve all of these things. We also sometimes take each other for granted perhaps assuming that these things will always be there.

The truth is however, that most of the things and people we take for granted, are the things  and people we are blessed with every day. Just like the Israelites who continually took God for granted, and forgot His blessings, when they instead should have been grateful. (Deut. 8:11-20). Do we take for granted those who pick up our trash, deliver our mail, or bag our groceries? I now live in a country where I have to pack my own groceries, and I have come realise I too have taken so many things for granted, but at the same time have so much to be thankful for.

When we look at the story of the ten lepers, where only one returned with a loud voice to glorify God, but the other nine did not return to thank Him (Luke 17:11-19). The one who did return, was a Samaritan. Do you think the others took God for granted, and felt they deserved His healing?

Take a minute to think about how much God gives & blesses you with. I am thankful that He has saved me from myself, so I dare not carelessly forget any of you, your encouragement, support, care & love towards me over the years of my life.

I dare not take you for granted, because I would not be able to do what I do if it was not for God and all of thank you!

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